Movie Review!!!

(8.5 out of 10)
When Retired Black ops agent Frank Mosses is suddenly attacked by a wet team in his peaceful household
he goes on a hunt to Find the man who RED lit him joined together with his old team.

Now this movie when i first watched it had a fucking boring start!! i couldn't tell what the movie was about. Bruce Willis was living in a very very boring normal American neighborhood doing his daily routines he than calls this girl at the Government pension processing center and they have this sweet conversation, and I'm thinking WTF!!? i thought i got an action film? so just when i was reaching for the power button a wet team with automatic rifles, night vision the whole shebang sneaking in and Frank Mosses(Bruce Willis) takes them all out with his bare hands in 5 secs. From there the movie really picks up the pace by the end i felt like this was one of the greatest action films of all time. The best action comedy for sure!!